Monday, January 22, 2007

Uyghur Foods -Laghman Noodles (Pulled Noodles)

Laghman Noodles (Pulled Noodles)
Lamian noodles, known in Chinese as Laghman or Laghman are popular with many ethnic groups in Xinjiang and the rest of China. The noodles are pliable and tough, smooth and delicious. The name Laghman means 'pulled noodles'. The noodle dough is pulled in a special way to create thinner and thinner strings of dough, and finally, noodles! Then the noodles are boiled quickly and various ingredients are added, including oil, mutton pieces, cooked tomato and chili peppers. Sometimes the noodles are stir-fried along with these ingredients, which can only be described as a totally different, yet equally delicious taste.

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